All these policies are supply side, in fact in the field there are little of reflections of all those policies. So, there should be a demand side that NGOs and CSOs from local and national level should demand implementation of those agreement or policies as it was decided.
We have an example that, even there was adaptation of PoP, but there was little of implementation and little of follow up in fact, even from the initiators group.
This time, southern local NGO CSO activists encouraged so much as there are some unique characteristics of those declarations, which are (i) there are measurable indicators to support and put local actors in driving seat, (ii) UN policies has announced to anchor with local actors for sustainability of their efforts and spell out that they want to be accountable too in the local level, and (iii) majority of the INGOs has signed charter 4 change which are very measurable and action oriented too.
But these are challenging too in this regard, (i) most of the INGOs and UN agencies has no internal head quarter plan for implementation of those commitment, (ii) these are very transformational change form existing behavior, which in fact is difficult. But in fact it is encouraging fact that especially some INGOs have taken project in this regard to facilitate localization and also took some action research projects.
So in Bangladesh, we feel there should continuous and consistence demand side campaign from from Bangladesh with the participation of local NGOs, so that actors in supply side will feel pressure of public opinion for implementation of those commitment, and there by sustainable and accountable use of aid money.