BD CSO-NGO Coordination Process is initiated: Self-Accountability Charter is declared by the platform of local NGOs in Bangladesh


National Convention preparation meeting held yesterday at the COAST meeting room, where all the divisional representatives were present along with Dr. Abdul Matin of Bapa and AKM Jasim Uddin of ADAB.

The meeting was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury and facilitated by Mustafa Kamal Akanda and me. Dr. Abdul Matin, Secretary of BAPA and AKM Jasim Uddin, Director of ADAB gave welcome speech in the meeting and expressed solidarity on behalf of their networks with the process we have started. 2 leaders from each division were present in the meeting.

The core agendas of the meeting were:

1. Validation of the core document of the process, ‘Declaration for Endorsement’.
2. Validation of the Accountability Charter of the process.
3. Formation of the divisional and district committees;
4. 24 District Conferences to be held within June 2019;
5. National Convention preparation.
6. AoB.

The following points are discussed;
1. The ‘Declaration for Endorsement’ was shared with all the participants beforehand and it was discussed in the meeting in details facilitated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury and asked for feedback. Some amendments are made and the participants wanted some more time to share some written feedback on it. It will be compiled and finalized by 1 May and the web site of the process will be launched on 2nd May and will be opened for endorsement. There might be an open advertisement in the newspaper calling for the endorsement on it.

2. “Accountability Charter” which is basically developed based on the group work findings during the divisional workshop as the self-accountability mechanism of the members of this process. There are 8 points raised by the group work and it is also kept as an open document for further development. 24 district conferences might bring some more dimensions to this document and it will be finally declared during the National Convention on 6th July.

3. Criteria and size of the divisional and district committees of this process is also discussed here. According to the recommendations from the participants, Mustafa Kamal Akanda is now drafting a committee formation guideline and will be shared by tomorrow 29 Apr. The basic criteria will be as follows:
• Divisional committee will include all the district leaders as well as the divisional leaders of ADAB, FNB, CDF and BAPA networks.
• It will also include both fund-based NGOs and non-fund based CSO and cultural groups in the divisional level.
• It might be led by a MF (Microfinance) NGO so that they can spend money by their own if needed.
• District Committees will include all the upazila representatives and network leaders of the district.

4. 24 District conferences will be held in June (after Eid-ul-Fitr) according to the following dates. Every week in 2 divisions will complete their district conferences, 3 districts each. COAST colleagues as well as ADAB/ BAPA/ FNB/ CDF leaders will visit to the divisions to facilitate as necessary.
• Participant list of the district conferences will be sent to National steering committee by 18 May. The divisional convener committee will prepare send that. The 24 district committees will also be formed before 18 May.
• June 8-13: Mymensing and Khulna, June 15-20: Rangpur and Rajshahi, June 22-27: Chattogram and Barishal; and June 29- 4 July: Dhaka and Sylhet.

5. The following issues will be completed before the national convention on 6 July.
• Self-Accountability Charter;
• Declaration of the National Convention;
• 700+ endorsement of CSO/NGO from across the country on the declaration;
• Contribution of the local NGOs to the SDG: A compiled report;
• 8 divisional and 64 district committees formed;
• National steering committee is formed.

6. Next preparation meeting of the National Steering Committee will be held on 18 May 2019, 10 am to 3 pm at COAST Office.
Please download Press Release [English Press]

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